Two-thousand-and-three (2003)

Premiered on September 10th 2003 at La Bâtie Festival of Geneva, Switzerland
Commissionned work for 21 dancers for the Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève


TWO-THOUSAND-AND-THREE is a new work for twenty-one bodies in which movement spreads like a disease. Split bodies, swapped torsos and dislocated limbs embody the scene of their inner chaos. Display of extreme activities, the soul seems to break away from the body itself. Separations and multiplications, divisions and reproductions shift in a world of dreamlike passions, fantasy and allegory, heaven and hell…


15 February: Théâtre de Caen, France
30-31 May: Opéra de Lille, France

27 January: Arsenal de Metz, France
30 March: Bonlieu Scène nationale, Annecy, France
28 April: Centre Chorégraphique National (CCN), Macon, France
17 May: La Bâtie – Festival de Geneva, Switzerland

19 March: Charleroi Danse, Charleroi, Belgium
15 May: Tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf, Germany
3 July: Montpellier Danse Festival, Montpellier, France
15 to 17 July: Paris Quartiers d’été, Paris, France
2-3 October: Dance Biennal, Lyon, France
11 to 13 November: Tanzquartier Wien, Vienna, Austria
2 December: Manège Scène nationale, Reims, France

10 to 12 September: BFM La Bâtie Festival de Geneva, Switzerland
13 December: Kaserne, Basel, Switzerland


General direction Jean-Marie Blanchard
Ballet Director Philippe Cohen
Choreographer Gilles Jobin
Dancers Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève
Musical director Franz Treichler
Composers Clive Jenkins, Franz Treichler et Cristian Vogel
Lighting design Daniel Demont
Costumes Karine Vintache
Assistant choreographer Christine Bombal
Dramaturg Jean-Pierre Bonomo

Co-production Grand Théâtre de GenèveLa Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Suisse