
Cie Gilles Jobin offers workshops which help raise awareness of the fundamentals of contemporary dance through practice, and also of its links with new technologies. Since 2015 the company has developed a digital strategy, aware that new digital spaces represent new possible stages for contemporary dance. The emancipation of the company’s digital production pipeline enables it to share its knowledge and know-how with diverse audiences in a perspective of artistic enrichment, networking and skills development.

The workshops are presented by Gilles Jobin and/or his team. They take place in person when conditions permit or at a distance. The workshops are held in French, English or Spanish.The contents of the workshops are defined according to the themes addressed, the specific areas of interest, the public concerned (professionals or not, students, etc.), they are therefore variable and adaptable. Different themes can be addressed:

  • – Introduction to motion capture from a performing arts perspective // The digitalisation of dance
  • – Immersive virtual reality and augmented reality 
  • – Blending technology with art
  • – The digital avatar and its outfit
  • – 3D and digital stereoscopy


FRANCE – 19 to 23 October and 15-17-18 December: Jeune Ballet de Lyon / CNSMD – Conservatoire National Musique et Danse Lyon
Workshop: Discover and experience the tools of 3d motion capture technology for 24 dancers of the Jeune Ballet de Lyon
Directed by Susana Panadés Diaz and Gilles Jobin
Read More about the workshop
SWITZERLAND – 14 to 18 September : HEAD – Geneva
Workshop: L’avatar digital et sa tenue for first year students of the Design Mode section
Directed by Gilles Jobin and Tristan Siodlak – lead artist 3D, Cie Gilles Jobin


UK – 4 June : Birmingham International Dance Festival 
Masterclass directed by Gilles Jobin


SWITZERLAND – 16 to 20 January : HES Manufacture, Lausanne
Workshop for 3rd year students of Comporary Dance Bachelor
Directed par Gilles Jobin
SENEGAL – 23 May to 2 June : Ecole des Sables, Toubab Dialow
Workshop: Enjeux et Jeux Chorégraphiques
Directed by Gilles Jobin and Susana Panadès Diaz
Vidéo des présentation
CANADA : Festival du nouveau Cinéma, Montréal
Masterclass directed by Gilles Jobin


ARGENTINA – 3 August : Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (IUNA)Buenos Aires
Workshop: création lumière et participation au montage de la pièce QUANTUM  for students, in collaboration with Goethe Institute
ARGENTINA – 4 to 7 August : Centro Cultural San Martin, Buenos Aires
Masterclass: open trainings for local dancers. The masterclass was organized with PRODANZA  


SPAIN – 28 February / 1 March : IDN Festival, Mercat de les Flores, Barcelona 
Workshop: Générateurs de mouvement et composition chorégraphique for dancers 
Directed by Gilles Jobin and Susana Panadés Diaz
GERMANY : 22 August : Tanz Im August, Berlin 
Workshop: Physical Introduction for dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin
RUSSIA – 22 September : Bye Bye Ballet Contemporary Dance School, St Petersburg
Workshop: Movement Generators for dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz  
RUSSIA – 23 September : Diversia Festival, Kostroma 
Workshop: Movement Generators for dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz
INDIA – 26 and 27 November : Attakalari – Studio for movement and dance, Bangalore
Workshop directed by Gilles Jobin and in collaboration with dancers of the company Gilles Jobin
INDIA – 3 and 4 Décember : The Danceworx, Dehli 
Workshop directed by Gilles Jobin and in collaboration with dancers of the company Gilles Jobin


ARGENTINA – 20 to 23 May : Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (IUNA), Buenos Aires
Workshop: Générateurs de mouvement et composition chorégraphique for dancers 
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz
ARGENTINA – 20 to 24 May : Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (IUNA), Buenos Aires
Workshop: Générateurs de mouvement et composition chorégraphique à for students in Composition Chorégraphique cycle
URUGUAY – 28 to 30 May : Instituto Nacional de Artes Escenicas (INAE), Montevideo  
Workshop: Générateurs de mouvement et composition chorégraphique for dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz
BULGARIA – 29 to 31 Augustt : One dance week, Plovdiv 
Workshop: Générateurs de mouvement et composition chorégraphique for dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz
CANADA – 16 and 17 November : The Dance Center, Vancouver
Open class directed by Gilles Jobin
BRAZIL – 3 November : Ballet – Teatro Municipal do Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Masterclass for the ballet dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin, Susana Panadés Diaz and Catarina Barbosa – Cie As We Are
PEROU – 22 November : Festival de Artes Escenicas de Lima, Lima 
Masterclass for dancers
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz


FRANCE – 6 November : Conservatoire National de Danse, Paris
Directed by Gilles Jobin et Susana Panadés Diaz