Qualisys users of the month + Interview with Gilles Jobin for XRMust

It is so great to be part of the Qualisys family! When we visited Qualisys headquarters in Goteborg Sweden in 2019 with our team, we knew we found our match! We started small with 12 Miqus, now our #Studios44MocapLab is fully equipped with 42 cameras and workstations. We develop our own creations and welcome artists for creation and research in a comprehensive, creative and #opensource environment. Movement artists need time in motion capture to experiment to make the most of the system, our goal is to break the #bottleneck of motion capture for independant movement creators by providing a comprehensive acess to the hardware and our production pipeline. Our collaboration with Qualisys team has been excellent from day one and today we can call their hyper competent swiss representative Mathias Bankay our friend! Mathias gave us the right advice and guided us through our evolving setup for us to make the most out of it. I think the secret is that both companies love what they do. That was our connection!

Gilles Jobin – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6993108254964752384/

Interview with Gilles Jobin for XRMust

On November 4th, Gilles Jobin was interviewed by Marinda Botha for XRMust magazine.

You can read it in its entirety right here

Article paru le November 8, 2022