The Moebius Strip + Moebius Kids (2007)

Premiered on October 31st 2007, Théâtre de Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland
Creation of Moebius Kids on May 4th 2007, Am Stram Gram Theatre, Geneva, Switzerland


The choreographer started from the end of The Moebius Strip to recreate a work with the young dancers of Manon Hotte’s Cie Virevolte. The movement continues from one work to the next, the performers multiply, the choreography is reversed. How better to embody the transmission of life, one of the declared stakes of the first work, than by inviting a new generation of dancers to appropriate the actions and rules of the system?

For an hour and a half, adult and then teenage dancers walk around and occupy an infinite space through a grid drawn on the floor. In this abstract space, series of movements and positions spread out in irregular waves, while light structures the flow of time: the luminosity decreases as it spreads over the entire stage. In this limbo the dancers pass the baton before the light gradually increases again. The bodies have changed but the laws governing movement are the same. Although the dancers sometimes stand, floorwork is more frequent. And when a dancer “climbs” horizontally with the other bodies lying down, a shift occurs. The relationship between the body and the abstract space imagined by the choreographer for Moebius is above all a question of perspective.
Myriam Kridi, September 2007, excerpt from the Journal de l’ADC, No. 43



21-21 November : Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland
Premiere on October 31st: Théâtre de Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland
31 October – 3 November: Théâtre de Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland


Choreography Gilles Jobin
Dancers Tamara Bacci, Jean-Pierre Bonomo, Marie-Caroline Hominal, Isabelle Rigat, Rudi Van Der Merwe
Young dancers Line Baumann, Aïcha Bouchelaghem, Julie Dubois, Julie Fahy, Jessica Girard, Océane Holdener-Bossy, Victoria Jakubec, Pablo Jobin, Claire Jousson, Loïc Lador, Elisa Megale, Nina Cachelin, Anaëlle Gauthey, Mathilde Linares, Lucie Mertenat, Olivia Nemeth, Manon Pilard, Natasha Samson, Aurore Sumi
Music Franz Treichler, Clive Jenkins
Lighting design Daniel Demont
Costumes design Gilles Jobin et Karine Vintache
Sound engineer Clive Jenkins
Assistant/repetitor Mariene Grade

The Moebius Strip 
Production Cie Gilles Jobin – Geneva, Switzerland
Co-production  Théâtre de la Ville, Paris – Théâtre Arsenic, Lausanne – Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Zürich – Music Biennale, Zagreb – Espace Pasolini, Valenciennes

Supported by  Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council – Loterie RomandeCity of Lausanne – London Arts – SSAFondation Stanley Thomas Johnson – Canton de Vaud

Moebius Kids 
Production Cie Virevolte – Geneva, Switzerland
Supported by Département de l’instruction publique de l’État de Genève – City of geneva Genève – Département des affaires culturelles – Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council – Fonds Mécénat des SIG – Ernst Göhner Stiftung – Loterie Romande

Gilles Jobin benefits of a triennal associated support (2007-2009) from the City of Geneva, the Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia -Swiss Arts Council

Gilles Jobin is an associated artist of Bonlieu Scène nationale, Annecy